Monday, June 28, 2010

  • Explain in your own words, the FOUR key recommendations of the report.
  • State ONE way that the CAI report is recommending to make our public housing more elderly-friendly
  • State TWO ways on how we can ensure that the quality of elderly care here in Singapore is affordable
  • After reading the CAI report, what do you are the THREE things that you can do, as an SST student, to help overcome these elderly challenges
Housing for Seniors - There will be different types of housing to meet the needs of the elderly.
Accessibility for Senior - Flats and transportation have elderly friendly features for the elderly to move around independently.
Caring for Seniors - Healthcare and Eldercare services should be elderly friendly, accommodating the different types of needs according to their illnesses.
Opportunities for Seniors - Organised healthy life style programs for all generations so that they will have good relationships with their family and friends ( sociable )

2[]Vary the length of land leases. Shorter land leases will facilitate the development of retirement housing by the private sector.[]

3[a] Design different lifestyle facilities to meet the needs of the different seniors

[b]Help them when they are in need of assistance

[c]Make the public know about this issues and make them aware of the need to help the elderly around them

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